VAT and Climate Change Levy

Responding to demands for additional transparent advice regarding the issue of VAT and CCL, CEPG have compiled a comprehensive guide for churches, which should benefit church treasurers and administrators nationwide.
As many will be aware, churches qualify for a reduced rate of VAT @ 5% with no CCL charges under normal circumstances. However, the onus is on each individual church to ensure they complete and register a VAT declaration form each time they renew their energy contract or change supplier. In addition supplier’s invoicing systems often make errors mid-contract and start charging VAT at the default rate which is currently 20%, CCL is then added to the bill to compound the error. Each bill should be checked rigorously for any errors and overcharging.
The good news is this overcharging is recoverable from your supplier. With our advice and assistance many of our churches have recovered up to 3 years overpayments in excess of £4,000, funds which are desperately needed in these difficult times. CEPG have been responsible for identifying and helping to recover over £100,000 in overcharging in the past five years, a service we offer FREE to all church clients.
To register for your FREE guide to VAT & CCL for CHURCHES please click here.
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